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Never A Dull Moment

January 6, 2023

Christmas Nougat

Three years ago, a piano student’s parent made me this delicious candy for Christmas. I, of course, got the recipe and put it in my book so I could start a new tradition. Finally, in December of 2021, I bought all the ingredients. Weeellll, then I got COVID over the Christmas holiday. I had about […]

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November 30, 2022

Singing Full Throttle

As you know, I am always embarrassing myself in some way. I have a song coming out in January and I’m still debating which intro I want to go with. This afternoon, I loaded the two masters onto the iPhone, sat in between my two speakers—surround sound, duh —and cranked the first one. The next […]

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November 22, 2022


That moment when you wonder why the lady sitting next to you in church doesn’t turn off her ringing phone and you suddenly realize that although you silenced your phone (like a good girl), the alarm that you set for 9:30 a.m. never got turned off since you got up at 7:30 a.m. instead. My […]

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September 12, 2022

Well, That Was Embarrassing

Well, that was super embarrassing. I was in the middle of teaching a piano lesson to sibling number two (out of three) when my left hand, wrist, and arm started hurting so bad that I could not concentrate on a thing. I took my Fitbit off and tried to ignore the pain. Finally, I told […]

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May 29, 2022

Invasion of Personal Space

On the flight home from Nashville, Ken and I had separate seats. I sat in the back by these two teenagers, possibly brothers. Ten minutes in, the one next to me rested his head on my shoulder. I mean, he was really snuggling in, just like this little guy is with his bananas. He sat […]

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May 24, 2022

Never a Dull Moment

That moment when you are jolted awake in your motel room by the fire alarm and you don’t have a stitch of clothes on, and the next moment, you hear pounding on your door. I’d like to say this is the only time something like this has happened to me in the past week, but […]

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January 24, 2022

That’s Gotta Be A First

Well, that’s gotta be a first: I fell asleep in my chair, sitting up, playing cards with a friend. At 7:00 p.m. Me: Asleep—mouth hanging open—for who knows how long. Me: Eyes fly open, realize where I am, sort of. Friend: Pretending not to notice, she says calmly, “It’s your turn.”

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January 18, 2022

Oopsie Daisy

That awkward moment when you are singing at the top of your lungs (on your 4-hour ride home from Sunnyside with your husband) and the music stops dead because you hit a no-service area but your voice is still going full-throttle.

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September 9, 2021


That moment when you and one of your bandmates try on T-shirts in the corner of the church behind a curtain, laughing your heads off because you’re both just having a great day, and you realize hours later that there are probably security cameras there.

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