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Release of “Livin’ Outside the Box”

May 26, 2023

May 26, 2021: Co-wrote this song
May 26, 2022: Recorded this song
May 26, 2023: Released this song

I guess on May 26, 2024, I better come up with something new. 😎

Ken had this little idea two years ago, so we jetted off to Nashville and the two of us met with Jennie List; she got out her guitar, and in two hours, the three of us came up with “Livin’ Outside the Box.”

Last May, Nicholas Palmer—one of the best guitar players I’ve ever met—worked his magic in the studio. Jennie added her vocals and like Ken always says, she “has the voice of an angel.” Dallas Jack from Record One captured it all.

Enjoy, y’all.