Last night was the first night I actually slept for eight hours in…oh…probably a month. It was in two separate stretches, but I’ll take what I can get.
Some of you know that my thyroid likes to throw a little party once in a while and send me into “hyperdrive.” It’s exhausting.
(Well-meaning) people always tell me, “You really need to get some more sleep.” No kidding.
Would if I could. That’s like telling a drug addict wired up on PCP, “Here, drink this cup of chamomile tea, and calm down, would ya?”
This episode has been dragging on forever. It didn’t help that every morning at 4:00—like clockwork—for about two weeks, I would wake up and have some phrase, a few notes, a passage from my latest composition nudge me awake. Nudge? More like bolt me upright.
Usually, I can get myself out of these episodes, but this time, I had to consult my naturopath. My first words upon entering her office were, “Fix me.”
She adjusted some of the supplements I’m taking and told me to take time every day to calm down. Literally calm myself down. Instead of doing this: