You know how my goal in Maui (back in May) was to do 125,000 steps and I really did 153,000?
You know how my goal in Nashville (back in June) was to do 25,000 steps but I knew I wouldn’t because I spent days on end in the studio recording all that music?
Well, here in Yellowstone I have one goal and one goal only and that is to not get eaten by a bear.
The lady at the information center on Monday advised to make lots of noise so any bears present would hear us coming. So, during our five-mile hike on Tuesday to the Lone Star Geyser—it was very secluded—I clapped my hands constantly. At one point, I thought I’d shake things up and broke into some mighty fine exuberant singing.
With my luck, the bear would turn to his friends and say, “Watch this. I’m gonna go eat that chick just to shut her up.”
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