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That’s Not Something You Plan Every Day-1

July 16, 2024

I wonder if the So Delicious brand would sponsor a songwriting tour for me ha ha.

The last thing I remember last night is eating one of these to celebrate the release of my latest song. (I discovered this brand in Nashville and I cannot stop buying them.😬)

I woke up out of a dead sleep on the couch at 1:30 this morning and I’ve been up ever since.

Note to self: don’t keep your car windows shut tight when it’s hot out—your husband warned you that it’s not a good idea, but you were zipping to-and-fro to annoying doctor appointments and you forgot—they can explode. What a mess.

Especially don’t do that when you’re going on a road trip soon.

Because I’ve been overwhelmed with making album covers, uploading music, trying to catch up my songwriting blog, packing, helping Ken (since he’s now frazzled because replacing a window wasn’t on his list of things to do), my thyroid’s heading into hyper city.

What does this mean, you ask?

It means that I’ll be running around like a crazy person over the next couple days and once we get in our car for our 14-hour road trip, I’m gonna be singing full-throttle the whole entire time (to get out my nervous energy). Lucky Ken. 😂