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Singing & Snapchats

March 10, 2023

Me and Katie

I am self-employed as a piano teacher and songwriter. A few weeks ago, I went in to my boss’ office and asked for a two-week medical leave of absence. She said it was okay. 😂

She gave me a two-week extension, which started four days ago on March 6.

While I’m trying to figure out why my health has gone down the toilet, I’ve been dealing with the emotional aspect of it as well.

I think I have a bit of cancer PTSD going on, and I was only partly kidding when I said that I’m going to have an eating disorder by the time this is all over.

I hem and haw about what I eat all the time. “Is this going to make me have 12 hours of agony again? Did I have another episode because I ate part of that avocado? Maybe I shouldn’t have had that homemade tomato-based soup. Is popcorn good or bad for me?”

I’ve actually had an eating disorder before, back when I was dealing with trauma in my past: anorexia and bulimia. Not a place I want to visit again. 🥺

I will need to make a few extra appointments with my naturopath to be “debriefed,” so to speak, by the time I’m through with all this malarkey.

In the meantime, I’m trying to focus on the positive. Spent Saturday singing with this girl. We sang together for four hours. And, took a break for some Snapchat poses. 😎