That’s Not Something You Say Every Day #10
Living the life of Riley over here, whoever he is.
Continue Reading »Living the life of Riley over here, whoever he is.
Continue Reading »Here’s Ken thoroughly enjoying his third (and final) shave ice as a last hurrah since we leave early tomorrow morning. He mentioned he had a brain freeze. I mentioned he was having a bad-hair day.
Continue Reading »That moment when you ask your husband to take a picture of you in your new dress and you see he snuck this into your camera roll.
Continue Reading »Ken and I have been talking about moving here. Yes, I realize I’ve already been offered a volunteer job here, and I can write songs anywhere in the world, so it really could be a done deal. But, since that seems pretty drastic to me, and I love my home, I think I’ll just keep […]
Continue Reading »I don’t always spend a small fortune on my clothes. Six bucks…that’s all it took to finally find something in red.
Continue Reading »It’s amazing the things you see when you get up at 4:30 in the morning.
Continue Reading »The reason I keep hitting 15,000 steps on my Fitbit here on Kauai—besides spending hours at the beach and walking along the shoreline—is because every night around this time, I love to walk back and forth in front of our condo.…and again at 8 o’clock, and 9 o’clock, and 10 o’clock….
Continue Reading »Yeah, I’m pretty sure my Fitbit ain’t gonna tell me what time it is or keep track of my steps any longer.
Continue Reading »Ken said I’m not allowed to go to Nashville anymore to celebrate our anniversary. Kauai it is.
Continue Reading »Flowers just plain old make me happy.
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